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September Purchasing Festival Promotion

September Purchasing Festival Promotion

Sep 2,2019

discount bearing

In September, our company has a Septemberprocurement festival event. The event was held in our company's officialwebsite, Alibaba store and Amazon store. During the event, some of theinventory products were sold at 50% off, in addition freight also has discount.More rewards for new and old customers. Welcome new and old customers to shop.

If you want to know more, just contact SUNBEARING.

Click here is the Quick Access to theofficial website product page


Alibaba Online ShopWebsite:https://dlsyw.en.alibaba.com/?spm=a2700.7756200.0.0.117371d2wTWfh8

Amazon Obline Shop Website:https://www.amazon.com/s?k=SUNBEARING&ref=bl_dp_s_web_0